
«Окоп рыли ложками, жевали листья, думали только, как спрятаться». Как российских мобилизованных везут на фронт без подготовки, снабжения и мотивации :

“They dug a trench with spoons, chewed leaves, thought only how to hide.” How Russian conscripts are taken to the front without training, supplies and motivation

The closer Russia's defeat comes, the more talk of reparations. I perfectly understand Ukrainians who talk about the guilt and responsibility of all Russians - it is not Putin who shoots at residential neighbourhoods, it is not Putin who rapes women, it is not Putin who loots.

In March 2022, the 600-person chat room was informed that the Kremlin was planning a troop withdrawal from near Kiev. Two days later, namely on 29 March, the withdrawal of Russian troops actually took place.

😂 In Moscow, pensioners beat up an IT man because he took their place in a gazebo in Vorontsovsky Park - SHOT.

OSINT: Rapid search engine deployment with YaCy