"ₚozzia will be able to fund the war against Ukraine for at least one more year, even under severe and growing pressure of unprecedented sanctions" - The Washington Post
"ₚozzia will be able to fund the war against Ukraine for at least one more year, even under severe and growing pressure of unprecedented sanctions" - The Washington Post
(https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/04/26/russia-sanctions-impact-leaked-documents/)US intelligence points out that "Moscow relies on increased corporate taxes, its sovereign wealth fund, increased imports and business adaptability" and ₚozzian elites are "likely to push for the Kremlin's goals in Ukraine" and "help Moscow circumvent sanctions".
The publication draws attention to a letter intercepted by the US intelligence service from Finance Minister ₚf Siluanov. In early March, he asked Prime Minister ₚf Mishustin to support a contingency plan to avoid a "potentially embarrassing collapse" of ₚozzian state institutions.
In another document, US intelligence revealed that officials at the General Intelligence Directorate ₚf and the FSB were concerned about the insufficient amount of foreign currency in ₚozzian banks.
Another intelligence document revealed that Yevgeny Prigozhin's people "understood" that the recently announced sanctions on ₚozziyan MTS Bank would lead to a suspension of dollar transactions on 15 May.
Also, one "financial official" of the oligarch was concerned that Chinese companies would stop doing business with ₚozzia to avoid the impact of sanctions.
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